Investment in rental real estate comes with a plethora of benefits and advantages, such as passive rental income, appreciation, tax breaks, and a hedge against inflation.
This success hinges on your ability to attract a good tenant to your property. And this happens through having a quality listing.
A good listing needs to get a potential tenant to stop scrolling and get them to start a conversation with you. So, how should you design it?
To help you design and create the best listing possible, the team from Action Properties has put together this short article. It is a condensed version of combined decades of experience that will serve you well in your property investment journey.
The Hook
Renters nowadays don’t have the longest attention spans, and being on the content-producing end means you are competing with hundreds of thousands for just a few seconds. You need to be able to grasp a reader’s attention immediately with a creative opening statement.
Think of this statement as a possible headline: “Stunning townhouse with state-of-the-art kitchen and mature back garden”. It’s descriptive and enticing. You have dropped several unique features about your property in just one line that will make a tenant curious about what more your property has to offer.
Property Description
Now that the potential client has made it through the ‘door’, you have to keep them there. You will do this through the property description. Here, you want to give them a proper breakdown of the space and amenities using precise wording.
We recommend that you use adjectives and nouns that will maintain the interest of the tenant. Words such as well-maintained, luxurious, natural, hardwood, and state-of-the-art are good examples. You want to communicate in a way that can give them a proper picture of what your property offers.
When it comes to property description, you might find one or two property owners who are quite enthusiastic about their unit. They might go over the top describing what the property offers and features in the neighborhood. While there is nothing about that, check on the compliance of your ad with your state’s fair housing laws.
You should not describe your property or the neighborhood in a manner that discriminates against any type of tenant.
Unique Features
In our experience as property management experts, what has made our listings stand out is the highlighting of the best amenities.
Put yourself in the shoes of the tenants. What would make you want to close on the property? Is it the well-maintained hardwood floors? The master-ensuite? Or is it the perfect location just a few blocks from the shopping district?
The unique features or amenities should be what are highlighted first in the description.
Negative Language
No property is perfect. There will always be a home that has some more attractive qualities and amenities than yours. While you might be tempted to mention your shortcomings in the spirit of honesty, we wouldn’t recommend that.
Highlighting the flaws on your property doesn’t work in your favor. Remember that you have a few minutes to attract and maintain a potential client’s attention. Any negativity increases the probability of chasing them away.
Should you be worried about these supposed flaws, try and see the positive light about them. For example, if one of the bedrooms is quite small and hardly fits a bed, advertise it as an office.
Change the language and the potential renter will see things from your standpoint. A positive tone and style of writing are the differences that will lead to a new tenant.
Who doesn’t like promotions and discounts? Think of yourself as you walk down the supermarket or see an ad with a promotional package. Your interest is immediately piqued and you want to know more about it. The same applies here.
By adding a promotional element or package to your description, you could gain more interest and possibly secure a tenant. Some effective promotional packages include a home warranty or a free professional cleaning service.
A Call to Action
After making a compelling case for your property, what is the potential tenant to do with all this information? You need to condense the appealing qualities of your property and direct your client’s next actions with a call to action (CTA).
A proper listing finishes strongly, showing the readers where and how they can get in touch with the property owner.
While you might think it is quite obvious, do not leave anything to chance. The CTA is a critical part of the property listing and conveys a sense of urgency.
With the use of promotions, a powerful headline, and an enticing description of the features on your premises, you increase your power to attract a tenant. But for those landlords who don’t have the time or expertise, you can get in touch with the local property management experts in the area.
Offering quality services to our clients in Palo Alto, Mountain View, San Jose, Mountain View, and Sunnyvale, Action Properties is the leading expert for you to rely on. Get in touch with us and we can advise you accordingly on all matters of property management.